Renewable Energy Field

Application Products: Aerogel thermal insulation pads, Aerogel thermal insulation sheets, Thermal insulation cushion pad, Silicone sealing rings, Insulation sheets.

Purpose: Enhancing safety, performance stability, and overall efficiency of PACK and battery systems.

Product Advantages:

  1. Meet fire resistance requirements, reducing the risk of fire incidents
  2. Assist in temperature control, reducing adverse effects of high temperatures on battery performance
  3. Prevent fire spread, safeguarding the overall safety of battery systems
  4. Excellent thermal insulation performance, enhancing the efficiency of core components
  5. Ensure no short circuits occur between battery cells, motors, etc., improving system stability and safety
  6. rotect critical components from external impacts, enhancing overall system structural stability
  7. Lightweight design to improve overall vehicle efficiency and range
  8. Low environmental impact, compliant with environmental standards, promoting sustainable industry development

Energy Storage Field

Application Products: Aerogel thermal insulation pads, Aerogel thermal insulation sheets, Thermal insulation cushion pads, Composite insulation blankets, Insulation sheets

Purpose: Ensuring long-term stable operation of energy storage systems, reducing accident risks, enhancing equipment performance, minimizing environmental and user impacts

Product Advantages:

  1. Meet fire resistance requirements, ensuring energy storage systems are less prone to fire incidents during abnormal situations, improving system safety
  2. Assist in fire isolation design, preventing fire spread and protecting the entire energy storage system
  3. Excellent thermal insulation performance, ensuring temperature stability during system operation, improving efficiency and lifespan of batteries and energy storage equipment
  4. Reduce fire risks, especially in battery systems, to ensure system stability and safety
  5. Assist in sound insulation and vibration isolation design, reducing noise levels during energy storage system operation, enhancing user experience, especially in environments where quiet operation is required for energy storage stations or equipment

Petrochemical Pipelines

Application Products: Aerogel fireproof insulation blankets

Purpose: Ensuring safe, reliable, and efficient operation of pipelines

Product Advantages:

  1. Good thermal insulation performance to reduce heat loss and improve transmission efficiency. Additionally, excellent cold insulation performance for pipelines conveying low-temperature media
  2. Resist chemical and electrochemical corrosion to ensure the service life and safety of pipelines
  3. Sufficient mechanical strength and pressure resistance to withstand internal and external pressure and loads
  4. Good weather resistance to resist factors such as UV radiation and climate changes, extending service life

Rail Transportation 

Application Products: Aerogel thermal insulation blankets, Composite insulation blankets

Purpose: Ensuring the safety, comfort, and efficient operation of transportation systems

Product Advantages:

  1. Good fire resistance to meet fire prevention requirements in enclosed spaces such as vehicle interiors or stations, reducing fire risks and ensuring passenger safety
  2. Good thermal insulation performance to meet thermal insulation requirements in rail transportation systems such as electric and high-speed trains, ensuring stable operation of key components such as batteries and motors in high-temperature environments
  3. Noise reduction performance; rail transportation systems require noise control to reduce noise levels during operation, enhancing passenger comfort
  4. Certain cushioning performance to reduce vibration and impact in vehicle suspension systems, seats, etc., improving passenger comfort
  5. Lightweight design to improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption, while maintaining sufficient strength and durability of materials

Building Energy Conservation

Application Products: Aerogel thermal insulation felts, Aerogel thermal insulation pads, Thermal insulation cushion pads, Composite insulation blankets

Purpose: Creating more comfortable, environmentally friendly, and economical building environments to improve building comfort and energy efficiency

Product Advantages:

  1. Good thermal insulation and heat preservation performance to reduce temperature differences inside and outside buildings, reduce heat transfer, thereby reducing reliance on air conditioning and heating systems, and improving overall building energy efficiency
  2. Effective isolation of external noise, especially in urban environments, to provide quiet indoor living and working environments
  3. High durability to reduce the frequency of building maintenance and replacement, increasing the service life of buildings and reducing overall maintenance costs
  4. Environmental friendliness and sustainability to reduce the environmental impact of buildings

Industrial Equipment

Application Products: Aerogel thermal insulation pads, Thermal insulation cushion pads, Composite insulation blankets

Purpose: Ensuring equipment maintains efficient, safe, and stable operation in various working environments

Product Advantages:

  1. Good thermal insulation or cold insulation performance to maintain equipment operating within the appropriate temperature range
  2. Fire resistance to reduce fire risks, ensuring equipment and worker safety
  3. Ability to reduce vibration and impact to protect equipment accuracy and stability
  4. Strong corrosion resistance to cope with harsh environmental conditions, ensuring equipment durability and reliability
  5. Good wear resistance to reduce equipment wear and tear, extending service life.